Brian Deneke
This part of the site is dedicated to Brian Deneke, the Deneke family and all of the Deneke commity supporters god bless you all
Brian Deneke was a 19 year old punk from Amarillo Tx
he was a careing young man and he lovea animals.he was also conciderd a friend to all the punks down there giving them food,drink,and or shelter when ever the needed it.
Brian was murdered because he was diffrent, on the night of December 12, 1997
That night a fucker bye the name of dustin camp, a high school jock/ prep football player ran over brian in his cadillac saying (and this was quoted "i am a ninja in my caddy" and after he hit brian he said "i bet he(he reffering to brian) liked that"
at Dustians trial he was sentanced to only 10 years probation and ,000 and he killed someone
through out the trial dustians parents remained big supporters for what their son had done, mrs camp even had the nerve to say "dustian is a HERO for running brian deneke down.
Go to the Brian Deneke Memorial page
The official web site of the Brian Deneke Memorial Committee is selling t-shirts and buttons, They'll have pictures up within the next week. They also have flyers you can download and handout. Click on this link and go show your support and check it out.
please pass out flyers and buy a shirt,were a botton place those stickers evry where
Unity through Diverstiy
many people dont realize the diversity is a butiful thing and if we can all be aware that there is diversity out there and get along no matter the ,race,religion ,style,or apparnce the world would be a better example for future genrations.
lets abolish the hate crimes and wipe out violance
"...If the Kids are united, They will never be divided..." Sham 69
"fight war NOT wars" Crass